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Welcome! Read Me!

Welcome to The Cub House, where mi casa es tu casa. I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me.

Welcome to The Cub House, where mi casa es tu casa. I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me. Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle. Let’s begin at the beginning and when we come to the end stop. Hi, I’m Natalie, a natural born Canadian just living my best life, a mama of a two very adorable boys (2&3), a mighty good-looking husband (if I do say so myself), and more pets than I’d care to admit to.

I found my inspiration for The Cub House from my own personal needs as a mama, a place that had everything I could ever want (with some exceptions of course) as well as everything I know my kids to love. So just as Alice fell down the rabbit hole, down I went, creating my own wonderland that I just knew I needed to bring to life.

And here I am almost two years later FINALLY (after what seems like an eternity) bringing my vision to life for you to enjoy. My goal is not only to create a hub for parents and caregivers to enjoy themselves just as much as the kids get to, but to also to help provide a sense of calmness and relaxation in the (seemingly never ending) chaotic role of being a parent. What can I say we are all mad here.

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